Fix Sassa Status Pending To “Approved”

Are you facing a Sassa Status pending issue, Right? I can feel it, seeing your Sassa Status Check as pending is so disappointing after applying for the Sassa grant & waiting for the positive results. 

I have faced this issue and successfully tackled it as well, Through deep research and some guidelines from some authentic sources I converted my “Pending” status to “Approved”. Wanna know how? Keep reading ahead.


Sassa needs to verify everything before giving the thumbs up. This can involve many elements like your ID, and other details like Sassa means test & verification details. When you pass these things you become eligible for grants by SASSA, but any error or issue in these details can lead to such results as Failed, pending, or sometimes Declined as well. 

Let me show you how I made my grant “APPROVED”

What Does Sassa Status Pending Mean?

Before moving ahead let’s understand what that Pending status means. When it says “pending,” it means your application is still under review. This isn’t a complete rejection, but it does mean that Sassa is checking your details to make sure everything is correct. It’s like waiting for your number to be called at a busy office, you’re not rejected, but you’re not passed yet either.

Here is what Pending Mean is:

Application received: That means your application is received & it is under the verification process

Review and verification: Now that means your application & its details are being verified with your real data with DSD and it’s being checked for the eligibility criteria. 

Please note that sometimes a Sassa pending status can take up to a week, so you should be properly following the below-given steps. 

How To Fix Status Pending?

Here are some battle tactics to move your application forward & get it Approved.

Double Check The Information You Provided

Did you accidentally type in the wrong ID number or banking info? A tiny typo can cause a big delay. Check your application and make corrections where needed. It can be like changing the banking details or the contact details in your Sassa application form

Submit Missing Documents

Sometimes it shows pending because Sassa needs more information so, simply submit all missing information & documents in your sassa application and make it successful. 

Contact Sassa’s toll-free Number

Contact Sassa’s toll-free number (0800 60 10 12) talk to a Sassa officer & tell them your issue. They can give you specific details on why your application is pending and what you should do to fix it. I found this especially helpful.

Follow Up Regularly

Don’t just wait. Follow up with Sassa regularly to check your application’s status. I called their customer service every few days for updates & this is how I kept myself updated regarding my grant issues. 

Visit Sassa Offices

Another thing you can do is visit the Sassa office in person & get things moving faster. You can easily communicate with Sassa officers & they’ll guide you throughout the process to make it successful.

Submit Reconsideration or Appeal

Last but not least, When you find everything clear and all set by your side you can request a reconsideration or appeal the decision. By adding some additional information which you think is important & will make your stance stronger. 

Time Duration To Get Approved

We all know the frustration of waiting for that “Approved” message. But remember, a little patience can help you achieve positive results. While there is no set time frame for final results but still a commonly seen time duration is 90 days. However, it can take longer depending on the volume of applications and specific details of your case.

Tips To Avoid “Sassa Status Pending” In Future

  • Submit complete applications with all required documents attached. Double-check everything before you submit it.
  • Keep copies of the documents you submit. This makes it easier to resubmit anything if needed.
  • Stay Updated as Sassa’s requirements can change/ This helps you avoid submitting outdated or incorrect details.
  • Keep in touch with Sassa through calls or emails. Regular communication helps you stay updated on your application status and address any issues promptly. 
  • Consider visiting the Sassa office if your issue is not getting solved with the above-given methods.

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