What Is SASSA Means Test-Assets & Income Threshold [2024]

Imagine a system where grant payments are awarded without any discrimination. To avoid unfair disbursement of the Sassa grants, the SASSA Means Test sets the standard of financial evaluation for the disbursement of grants based on assets & income.

It is the test process to ensure whether the person applying for the grant is eligible enough to avail it or not. “Sassa means test requirements” set differently for disability grants, child grants, old age grants, and so on.

Sassa means test

“SASSA means test requirements” revolve around the applicant’s INCOME & ASSETS. We will discuss them one by one below.

SASSA Grant Requirements Means Test-Assets & Income

Whether you are a new applicant of Sassa or you are an old beneficiary, these requirements (Means Test) apply to all SASSA applicants

Furthermore, SASSA thresholds differ, based on which grant you are applying for whether it is Disability grant, Old-Age grant, SASSA child grant, or care dependency grant. There is a difference in their requirements and also they all are paid on a sliding scale.

These details/values are effective as of Oct 1, 2023. SASSA releases its updates from time to time so we will add those updates in this article alongside. The changes in grant amount and threshold are most commonly released on April 1st or October 1st.

Income Thresholds Of Different SASSA Grants

Below mentioned are the income thresholds for different SASSA Grants. Carefully read through all the threshold guidelines and apply them accordingly.

Means Test For SASSA Older Persons, Disability, and War Veterans Grants

If you are a single person, your earnings should not be more than R8 070 per month & R96 840 per year
In case you are married then both spouse’s collective incomes should not be more than R16 140 per month & R193 680 per year

Means Test For SASSA Social Relief Of Distress (SRD R350)

The Income threshold set for SRD R350 is Rand 624. A person earning more than that will not be eligible for the grant.

Means Test For SASSA Child Support Grant

If you are a single person (primary caregiver of the child) then earnings should not be more than R5 000 per month & R60 000 per year
If you are married (the child’s primary caregivers) both collectively should not earn more than R120 000 per year & R10 000 per month

Means Test For SASSA Foster Child Grant

Income does not affect eligibility for the foster child grant. Foster parents are only required to submit a court order.

Means Test For Care-Dependency Grant

If a single person (parent or primary caregiver of the child) then income should be less than R20 800 per month & R249 600 per year

In the case of married applicants (parent or primary caregiver of the child), both should not be earning more than R499 200 per year & R41 600 per month

Assets Thresholds Of Different SASSA Grants

Below are the asset thresholds for different SASSA Grants. Carefully read through all the threshold guidelines and apply them accordingly.

Means Test For Care Dependency Grant, Child Support Grant, Foster Child Grant & SRD R350

There is no set assets threshold for these above-mentioned grants because all of them are awarded on need-base.

Means Test For War Veterans Grant, Old Age, Disability & Grant-in-Aid

If single then should not own assets more than R1 372 800.

If married then Collectively assets should not be more than R2 745 600.

Why is the “SASSA Means Test” Important?

Fairness and Equity: To maintain fairness among the applicants the thresholds are set as standard. Alongside fairness, equity is also important. With proper eligibility criteria grant distribution will be done without discrimination. 

Efficiency in Review Process: As SASSA keeps an eye on its beneficiaries setting thresholds will make it easy for them to investigate from time to time.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Not only does morality require fairness also it is the requirement of law. Fair distribution according to the Sassa grants eligibility criteria will make it compliant with rules as well. 

Documents To Show Your Income 

You are required to bring letters or forms (documents). You have to show the money you own & if you own a house. If you are married your husband, or your wife, will have to do the same to show your “joint income”.

 These are as follows: 

  • Wage slip or receipt
  • UIF card 
  • Discharge certificate 
  • Bank statements for 3 months in a row  

Who Is Not Eligible For A Grant?

  • A person already benefiting from any other social grant
  • Person wholly funded by state organization (although you may be entitled to a part if you are in a private institution that has a contract with the state)
  • A mineworker who receives money in terms of the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act
  • The person who does not pass the “SASSA Means Test requirements.”
  • The person who is a beneficiary of COIDA (for permanent disablement).

How Much Grant Amount Can You Get?

These details/values are effective as of Oct 1, 2023. SASSA releases its updates from time to time so we will add those updates in this article alongside. The changes in grant amount and threshold are most commonly released on April 1st or October 1st. Mind that these grants are paid as per the monthly schedule released by SASSA every month.

  • Sassa Old-Age-Grant (under 75 years): R2 090 per month
  • Sassa Old-Age-Grant (equal to or older than 75 years): R2 110 per month
  • Sassa Disability Grant: R2 090 per month
  • Sassa War Veterans Grant: R2 110 per month
  • Sassa Foster Child Grant: R1 130 per month
  • Sassa Care Dependency Grant: R2 090 per month
  • Sassa Child Support Grant: R510 per month (750 with top-up amount)
  • Grant-In-Aid: R510 per month
  • Sassa SRD R350 Grant: R350 per month

What Counts As Income in SASSA Means Test?

  • Money coming out of renting a room or whole house for a fee
  • Earning out of Leasing your property for money
  • Money from the private pension fund
  • Earning money for work(Employment/job)
  • The money you make from other side businesses
  • Compensation for instance from UIF, Road Accident Fund, or Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Fund (COIDA)
  • Monetary support from relatives such as dependent children;
  • Maintenance received as an ex-spouse or for a child
  • Maintenance payments for your child from an ex-spouse

What Counts As Assets in SASSA Means Test?

The worth of a house or land that you or your spouse own (if the property has a bond registered over it then it is regarded as having a nil value), Bonds, loans, or other outstanding debt

  • Money in your bank account.
  • Shares in any company or business you hold.

(Mind It: The Home that you own is not counted as an asset if you live in it)

What Amount Is Not Included While Calculating Revenue?

  • All income taxes
  • unemployment insurance fund amount
  • Contributions to a retirement plan, such as your retirement annuity or a pension fund.
  • Medical expenses 


Sassa Means test requirements ensure that every grant payment reaches deserving people. One must pass the means test in order to get approved for the claimed grant. Additionally in certain conditions, SASSA pays on a sliding scale so stay informed about every latest update by SASSA. Also, you should frequently check your Sassa Status to stay updated about your grant.


You can contact SASSA on the toll-free number 0800 110 110 (Monday to Friday 7 AM – 5 PM)

The house where you live will never be included in asset & income threshold.

It makes no difference if the applicant is married in community or out of community.

Income does not affect eligibility of the foster child grant. Foster parents are only required to submit a court order.

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