SASSA Old Age Grant 2024 – Eligibility, Payment Dates

Are you old enough and unable to manage your basic needs? or does your elderly loved one need financial assistance? If yes, then there is good news for you. South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) provides an old age pension (called Sassa Old Age Grant or Elderly Grant) to senior citizens of SA.

Old age pension is awarded to individuals who reached their retirement age of 60 to 74 years and are eligible for this financial support for seniors.

sassa old age grant

This social grant by SASSA is provided based on different factors which are first evaluated in the form of the Sassa Means Test and ensure whether the person applying is completely eligible for the grant or not.

Once an applicant gets approved from that onwards senior citizens start getting the grant payments on specified sassa old age grant payment dates.

SASSA Old Age Grant Payment Dates

Sassa has no fixed dates for the monthly award of social grants, however, Sassa releases schedules every month called SASSA payments dates for old age grants and for other grants by Sassa. Applicants can view and withdraw their payments accordingly.

Eligibility Criteria For SASSA Old Age Grant

This eligibility criterion is set to inspect who qualifies for the Sassa old age grant or who is eligible for the old age pension.

  • Applicant must reach the retiring age of 60 years
  • Must be living in the state of South Africa
  • You either should be a South African ID holder or a recognized refugee.
  • Must have 13 digit barcode identification document
  • You should not be residing in any state-funded institution
  • You comply with the Means Test of old age grant 
  • If a person is married then both spouses should undergo the SASSA Old Age Grant Means test.
  • The enjoyment of all other types of grants makes you ineligible for Sassa’s old age pension so make sure you are not enjoying any other grant.

Income/Assets Threshold

The Sassa Means Test is conducted differently for other Sassa grants and for Old-Age grants. This elderly grant “means test” identifies the qualification of persons for the award of grant by SASSA.

It encompasses income as well as assets owned by the person himself and by the spouse in the case of a married person. 

Assets Threshold

Assets thresholds are separate for married persons and for those who are not married.

  • For Single Persons: Assets should not be over and above R1 372 800
  • For Married Persons: Joint assets of both spouses should not be more than R2 745 600.

Income Threshold

Income thresholds are set differently for married persons and those who are not married.

  • For Single Persons: Their yearly income should not be over and above R96 840.
  • For Married Persons: The yearly Joint income of both spouses should not be more than R193 680

Old Age Grant Amount

The Old Age Grant amount depends on the age of the applicant as if your age is 60 years to 74 years then you will get R2090 per applicant and if you are above the age of 74 then the grant amount is R2 110 per applicant. These figures are as stated in the last update of 1st Oct 2023 Increase in SASSA Amounts.

Will the Old Age Pension Amount Increase In 2024?

From April 1st it is officially announced to increase a certain amount in SASSA Old age grant amount. For more details read SASSA Grant Increase Update April 2024

Application Fee

It’s nothing to worry about, you don’t have to pay anything when you apply for Sassa Old Age grant through the SASSA because there’s no Application Fee and it’s free of cost.

How To Apply For SASSA Old Age Grant In 2024?

Step 1

You can apply for the grant by visiting your nearest Sassa office or you may apply online by following instructions on the SASSA services website.

Head to your nearest Sassa office and ask the Officer for a Sassa Old Age Grant application form or you can Download the SASSA Old Age Grant Form. You are required to fill out the application form in the presence of an SASSA Officer.

Don’t worry if you find it hard to fill the form by yourself, ask the sassa officer to help you with this. They will fill out a form for you. Follow their instructions and provide the information they inquire about. Attach all relevant documents with the application form.

Suppose you find it burdensome to visit the Sassa office by yourself, don’t worry you may have a trusted family member, maybe your dearest ones or friends who can go and fill out the application form on your behalf.

But don’t forget to give him(your representative) a letter with your signature, which declares that this person is appointed by you, and also a note by the doctor which proves that the person is unable to walk to the Sassa office by him/herself.

Step 2

Once you are done with the application form for Sassa Old Age Grant, the Sassa officer will conduct an interview and after that, they will give you a receipt and you are required to keep that receipt safe with you.

How Much Time Does It Take to Complete the Verification Process?

Usually, the verification process takes 3 months but still, it depends on circumstances and a number of applications submitted. After 3 months either your grant will be approved or disapproved.

In case of approval, the grant will be awarded to you from the date of approval but in case of rejection, they must have provided you the reasons for rejection along with the result.

Important Documents Required For Older Persons Grant

  • Your South African ID document, in case it is not available then:
  • Ask the Sassa Officer to provide you with an Affidavit form or you can download it from Sassa Affidavit Form fill this form on the SASSA standard affidavit template, and make sure that the Oath commissioner is present at that time. The Oath Commissioner must not be affiliated with SASSA.
  • You are required to present a statement of declaration which declares your truth, this should be attested by an authoritative person. 
  • You are required to give your fingerprint while your application is under a verification process. The Department of Home Affairs will issue your ID on your request if you fail to present your ID to SASSA your application may be suspended by Sassa.
  • If you are married, you will need to provide proof of your marriage.
  • Proof of your divorce in case you are divorced
  • Your assets details
  • Your bank statement for the last 3 months and your wife’s bank statement if you’re married.
  • If your spouse is dead within the last five years you are required to present a death certificate.
  • All supporting documents
  • Private pension documents
  • Discharge Employment Certificate if you had a job previously

SASSA Old Age Grant Status Check [2024]

After submitting an application you are required to do an SASSA status check of your grant with the help of these methods. This will keep you updated regarding your application’s current status.

  • Sassa Status check online
  • Check the status through the Moya App
  • Check the status through WhatsApp at 082-046-8553
  • By Sending a message to 082-046-8553
  • Check by calling on toll-free number 0800-601011

Lodge An Appeal If Application Not Approved

When your application is rejected or not approved they must have given you the reason with results. If you feel like there is something wrong with the decision and it seems unfair or an error to you, then you have the right of reconsideration of your application, If again it is not approved then go for appeal.

This matter will be examined by higher authorities. And, if they think you fit for an Old Age pension you will be given your grant payments from then onwards.

Remember the time limitation for appeal is 90 days you must have to file an appeal within the first 90 days of your rejection.

Payment Method For SASSA Old Age Grant

Following are the three methods through which Sassa pays you the grant.

  • Through Old age homes, Disability centers & Non-profit organizations 
  • You can get direct payments in your bank account. If you opt for payments via bank account then it is necessary to fill and submit a Consent Form for Bank Payment of SASSA Grant, also attach all relevant documents like your ID, Bank statement of previous three months & Your Bank account details.
  • Your Sassa payment can be withdrawn from Pick n Pay, Shoprite, Boxer, Checkers, Usave, and Spar

Apart from this If you find it hard to collect your payment by yourself then It’s nothing to be worried about. You can appoint a representative who will collect your payments on your authority. 

Sassa Old Age Grant Balance Check [2024]

Checking your remaining balance will keep you informed & on how you should manage your funds to stabilize your financial situation. You can use the following methods to sassa old age grant balance check.

  • By calling on Toll-free number 0800 601 011
  • Through ATM 
  • SASSA WhatsApp number 082 046 8553
  • Dial USSD code *120*3210# or *120*69277# on your phone

Grant Reviews By SASSA Officials

SASSA keeps check and balance by reviewing the current status of grant applicants. This review by SASSA ensures that the applicant still fulfills the eligibility criteria or not.

It’s important to update your application whenever your conditions alter to prevent any form of difficulty. These incidental changes may take the shape of improved financial stability, a change in your banking information, or an increase in your assets; in any case, keep the department informed of your developments. 

What Is The Review Process?

For review, you will be notified approximately three months before conducting a review by SASSA. This notice by Sassa will inform you how, when & where you will be reviewed. The beneficiaries are also required to send their life proof certificate to SASSA before the due date or yearly if specifically, they are receiving a grant via a bank account.

If you are incapacitated to visit the Sassa office they will visit you for review. When the review process is completed don’t forget to get a receipt of compliance. 

What Is The Review Process For Refugees?

As far as the review process of a refugee is concerned then it depends on his/her expiring status. The day a refugee reaches its expiry status the applicant will be reviewed by Sassa.

What Causes Older Person Grant Suspension?

Below are the reasons that may cause suspension of your grant.

  • Immoral or dishonest behavior on the part of the recipient
  • Any significant errors in your application 
  • When the recipient refuses to assist SASSA with the evaluation process.
  • When your financial situation improves and becomes stable. 
  • Grant was approved unintentionally.

How To Recover From a Suspended Grant?

You have the right to appeal if you believe there was an error or that the suspension was not justified. You can use the aforementioned procedure to appeal to higher authorities.

When Sassa Old Age Grants Lapses?

  • When things get better financially for you.
  • At the beneficiary’s passing. (Dies)
  • The beneficiary has neglected to give SASSA their life certificate.
  • You live in a facility that receives state funding, such as an assisted living facility or a rehabilitation center. In the event that you are admitted to a facility supported by the state and your care expenses are covered by the state, it is possible that your grant will be lowered to 25% of its maximum amount. 
  • The beneficiary has been out of state for longer than three months without providing notification.
  • A beneficiary must reapply for a fresh grant if they are not paid for three months, and if that period of time has passed.
  • If the beneficiary is a refugee in that case if he/she ceases to be a refugee. 

Where Do I Find the Latest News & Updates About the SASSA Old Age Grant?

Sassa regularly changes the grant mechanism and regularly releases new grant updates, so it is important to stay up to date with each new update and news. To stay informed, you can use various official Sassa channels, or you can check out our dedicated category, “Sassa Grants News and Updates


Tips For Beneficiaries

  • Update your home address and contact information
  • Do not participate in any illegal or fraudulent activities 
  • Update Sassa regarding your financial conditions
  • Update Sassa about any circumstantial change
  • Provide accurate and clear information where necessary

SASSA Contact Number & Email Address:

If you would like to have your problems handled directly by Sassa officials, you can use the toll-free number and the email address below.

Toll-Free number 0800 60 10 11

Sassa Head Office number 012 400 2322

Email Address [email protected]

Apart from these, SASSA has 48+ district offices for customer support. You can see details about SASSA phone numbers & offices details on our website


Well, the Sassa old age grant benefits are for persons who want to live their golden years stress-free. SASSA is taking steps to improve grants like old age grant amount increase.

Try not to be the reason for the suspension of your Sassa Older persons grant. Be fair and be true. We hope that this page has been helpful to you and that it has answered some of your questions. You can contact us 24/7 for any query also you have the option to comment here.


You can use their toll-free number 0800 60 10 11 it will not charge anything from you.

Any person of the age 60 years or above can apply for old age grant. Also make sure your income & asset threshold should not be crossed.

Your monthly income should not be more than R96 840 if you are un-married but if you are married then both spouses collective income should not be more than R193 680.

The person fulfilling eligibility criteria, passing Sassa means test and not availing any other grant can qualify for SASSA old-age grant.

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